Almost everyone has experienced the loss of a loved one and has tried to find positive ways to deal with it. There are many different ways of doing this and naturally each method varies by person. Here are five tips on dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Don’t isolate yourself.
There is no better time than now for you to turn to your family and friends for support. Accept their dinner invitations, stop by for family parties or even just grab a cup of coffee and talk. Lean on them when your emotions are too strong to carry alone. Having someone to talk to and share your feelings with through a good conversation can also help.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Be sure to get enough sleep, eat right and exercise. Exercise gives you the ability to control the situation and it offers a sense of purpose. It also increases the level of endorphins (feel good hormones) that are released in the brain. Even gentle exercise for just 30 minutes a day can increase your mental well-being such as gardening or going for a short walk.
Celebrate the life of your lost loved one.
Celebrating all the wonderful things that your loved one accomplished in their life honors them in a positive way. Continue with traditions that your loved one was a part of. Partake in activities you used to enjoy together. And even create new moments that honor who your loved one was during their life such as a memorial birthday.
Seek professional help.
Speaking with a health care provider or a trusted professional is a relieving process for many people and can offer an additional outlet to cope with your grief. Grief counselors tailor their treatment to meet the specific needs of a person. For example, a counselor may help find different ways to maintain healthy connections with your lost loved one through memory, reflection, ritual or dialogue. There are many therapists that specialize in grief counseling and there are many resources to help you find one in your area.