For those senior citizens who struggle with breathing problems, living in a clean environment is essential. Knowing the importance of keeping the air in your home clean can help prevent against illness and disease. Here are some common issues that should be regularly addressed to keep your home clean, and your body healthy.
It’s a common air pollutant that can cause a variety of hazardous health problems, especially for those with asthma. It comes from many different sources such as our skin, hair, clothes and even pets! If not properly taken care of, dust can quickly get out of control. Consistent dusting helps to keep those particles to a minimum and prevent an unhealthy amount of dust build up.
Mold –
Mold can be very dangerous if one is overexposed! Illnesses such as pneumonia, coughs, rashes and asthma, especially for senior citizens, can be caused by mold. Mold tends to grow in cool, moist areas of the home and should be eliminated at its initial spotting. Treating mold areas with bleach quickly and thoroughly will prevent it from becoming airborne.
Dirty Air Filters –
Dirty air filters are easy to ignore, but can cause very poor air quality in your home. A filter that is not cleaned can harvest dust and mold, which is then expelled into the air. Make sure to get your filters changed on a regular basis to keep the air in your home as healthy and clean as possible.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more information about keeping your air conditions at their best, or anything else, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!