Phone: (214) 348-9700 FAX: (214) 348-9701 Address: 126 N. International Road Suite B Dallas, TX 75042
4 Ways of Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

4 Ways of Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

Almost everyone has experienced the loss of a loved one and has tried to find positive ways to deal with it. There are many different ways of doing this and naturally each method varies by person. Here are five tips on dealing with the loss of a loved one. Don’t...
Clean Air tips for Seniors

Clean Air tips for Seniors

For those senior citizens who struggle with breathing problems, living in a clean environment is essential. Knowing the importance of keeping the air in your home clean can help prevent against illness and disease. Here are some common issues that should be regularly...
Recommended Vaccines for Seniors

Recommended Vaccines for Seniors

When it comes to vaccines, most people think they’re just for kids. Although, they do help protect children from childhood diseases and the flu, it’s important for adults to get vaccines too. Remaining your healthiest will help to keep you and your loved ones safe...
Hiring a Care Giver

Hiring a Care Giver

There’s no place like home. However, some may need to consider having the regular attention of a medical professional. By hiring a caregiver, you are able to achieve peace of mind for you and your loved one. Here is some advice for finding and hiring the right home...
Eat right to protect your sight

Eat right to protect your sight

Did you know that macular degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness in people over 55 in the U.S.?  In the next ten years, the population of baby boomers over 55 will be six times greater than it was in 1990. In a mere decade, macular degeneration may reach...